Randall Terry (founder of Operation Rescue and self-proclaimed champion of Terry Schiavo) and his followers are now asking whether Florida governor Jeb Bush will invade the hospital and physically seize Ms. Schiavo in order to prolong her life--or whether he will "wash his hands" of her, a la Pontius Pilate. C'mon, it's Good Friday you godless goons! Get it??
Bush, for his part, acknowledges that there are limits to his power. Good for him. Not that he really has a choice. But now that the Christian zealots are stirred up there will be "hell to pay", in the words of Terry, if things don't go their way.
There's been so much made of this poor woman's fate and she's been so shamelessly used that I'm reluctant to even bring this up. But if the Republicans are going to get caught in a noose of their own making, after rousing the religious right to re-elect George Bush, and after grotesquely latching on to this case for their perceived partisan advantage--well I'd say that's pretty providential, wouldn't you?
Trouble is, I don't have faith that the electorate has the attention span of a flea. Will this cause a falling out on the right? There's already been a certain amount of eating-one's-own. Ow, was that a finger??
May Terry Schiavo and her family have some peace when this is all over. And may Tom Delay, Bill Frist and all their ilk get what they deserve as well.
Ed. News reports tonight indicate that there have been solicitations for the murder of Terry Schiavo's husband and the Florida judge who has ruled against her parents. Both men are under police protection.
Ed. Here's an interesting exercise: try google-ing Judge Greer and see what you get. This man is being reviled and threatened; he was asked by his pastor to leave his church. So much for the rule of law. So much for a "culture of life". Apparently only the brain-dead (and the unborn) need apply.
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