Tuesday, June 14, 2005

No Really....

John Nichols writes in The Nation about a resurgence of progressive politics at the local level. For those of us sometimes inclined to despair when we observe the national scene, it's good to be reminded that 1). people who are not wingnuts are still getting elected, and 2). there is reason to believe--well, hope--that there is a stirring at the grassroots that will ultimately challenge the corporate/fundamentalist deathgrip.

And not a moment too soon. In reading Jared Diamond's Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed, I am reminded that many so-called "failed" societies actually lasted quite a bit longer than we have managed to do so far. Will this nation still exist in its present form 100 years from now? Or will we become the Easter Islanders of our time? Stay tuned....

Or more to the point: Stay hopeful. Stay active. Stay mad.

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