Friday, August 05, 2005

Texas Chainsaw Massacre

  • 49 - the number of vacations that Bush has taken since he was inaugurated in 2001

  • 5 - the number of weeks that Bush will spend on vacation, starting yesterday Tuesday; it is the longest presidential vacation in at least 36 years

  • 319 - August 3, 2005 was the 319th day Bush has spent on vacation since his 2001 inauguration

  • 20% - the fraction of Bush's presidency that he has spent on vacation*
*Reposted from here.

I know that with modern communications technology one can as easily make a call to, say, the president of Uzbekistan from a ranch in Texas as anywhere--and one can certainly ignore the news of the day as easily from there as anywhere else--but doesn't Bush keep reminding us that he is a "wartime president"? He is either completely blind to the impression that he (correctly) gives of someone who has only a superficial interest in the consequences of his actions--for others--or he doesn't give a damn.

That is, he doesn't give a damn that he doesn't give a damn, and that we all know it.

Conclusion: When the going gets tough, the tough go on vacation.

The troops he has placed in harm's way for the sake of his bullshit crusade don't get a vacation so neither does he, sez I. He wants to clear brush? Let him do it in Baghdad.

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