Monday, January 02, 2006

My New Years Resolutions

1. I will complain less about stupid things that go on in politics and spend more time trying to do something about it.

(OK, I'll still complain just as much--it's too much fun to give up--but I will take some of the time formerly devoted to complaining and spend it doing something constructive, like writing letters to the editor, attending meetings of the planning commission, registering voters etc.)

(I suppose that means that my complaining will have to be done in a more concentrated manner, in order to fit the same amount of bitching and moaning into a smaller amount of time.)

2. I will learn to bitch more efficiently. Prioritize targets, create bitching talking points to facilitate repetition more effective delivery.

3. I will at least start on the book I have been talking about writing for a year.

4. I will lose weight.

5. I will lose weight.

6. I will lose weight.

7. I will stop interrupting people, even if what they are saying is excruciatingly obvious and what I have to say is brilliant, but I'll forget it if I don't say it right now.

8. I will stay in better touch with the people I care about. I will call more and email less.

9. I will learn to do an eskimo roll (maybe).

10. I will not assume that people I disagree with are evil or idiots, but wait until I am sure.

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