"As we all know, the oil industry just made more money than any industry in the history of modern commerce.... There has been widespread concern about price gouging, supply manipulation, speculation and profiteering, but the Energy and Commerce Committee has yet to send a single demand letter to any of the companies alleged to be involved in such activity. Instead, it has decided to spend its Committee resources and staff time trying to prevent CITGO from getting any credit for helping the poor."Maybe it offends their free market sensibilities. Or maybe standing firm against the Venezuelan menace looks good on their political resumes. It is the campaign season, that time of wheedling and posing.
But the main reason may be to stop any heaving-and-cracking of opinion that American oil companies--or the American government--should likewise be prevailed upon to help. Charity is for suckers and socialists, apparently. Everyone else can just turn down their thermostats and shut up.