Thursday, February 09, 2006

Why Elections Matter

“Our local hospital tells me they see 12-20 patients per year, who have already self-induced or had illegal abortions. Some make it, some don’t. They are underage or poor women mostly, and a few daughters of pro-life families...”
I'm not surprised. I'm angry and I'm very sad, but not surprised. Expect to see more of this as reproductive freedom is thrown overboard by both major parties.

Maybe the title of this post should be "Why Elections Don't Matter". I'd like to think that women's reproductive rights were important enough that Democrats would be willing to go down fighting to protect them. But the truth is that the Democratic party is pretty powerless in Washington right now. And in the triage of congressional politics, you have to pick your fights. Government corruption and cronyism; the erosion of civil liberties; the loss of jobs to support families and communities: these issues are every bit as serious as abortion rights and--like it or not-- they matter more to more people. And when you have limited political capital, you have to spend it where it's most effective. That's what happens when you are the minority party in Washington these days. If you want more capital, you need more bodies. Numbers matter. Elections matter.

It ain't a perfect world. Never give up.

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