Friday, November 19, 2010

I Hate Facebook

That is all.

No wait, I have a love-hate relationship with Facebook. It enables me to have a continuing casual acquaintance with people I may never see again, but whose pictures of their latest vacation or of themselves* I might like to see.

Wow, when I wrote that I thought it was a good thing.

On the other hand it really helps me remember people's birthdays!!!

*Is taking your own picture in front of things becoming some sort of new cultural norm, because I sure see a lot of people doing it...posing snarkily in front of wonders of nature, like those photo booths they used to have (do they still have them?) only now the booth is Delicate Arch, or the Eiffel Tower. Weird, fascinating, a little shaping culture, shaping relationship, shaping art.

I like the camaraderie of Facebook, though the postings I get from people I really know are now buried in at least once-daily posts from restaurants or political organizations or online publications or writers promoting their new book. Piggy self-promoters...I unfriend you all!

But mostly, as a photographer I am frustrated by the compression that makes my photos look as if they have been strained through a bowl of noodles. Now what??

Oh my, it's not fall any more, is it? I look out my window and see that winter has arrived.

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