Meanwhile, little has changed here. I had no sooner arrived than I read in the paper about a county council meeting that broke out into unspecified "personal attacks" and had to be adjourned; the issue under discussion was revision of the county's OHV (off highway vehicle--of which there are plenty here) ordinance. ATV drivers want to use portions of the county's paved roads to get from one trail to another. Having seen more than a few of these machines driven by children at high rates of speed, the idea of sharing the road with them gives me hives. Of course there are those in the community who feel otherwise, and they're entitled to their opinions. Apparently not all of them feel the same way.
And then there are those who seem to think that whatever serves their interests necessarily serves the interests of the larger community. Therefore, anyone who disagrees is a moron, and a dangerous commie scum yuppie elitist moron at that.
Like I said, some things never change.
Though I must say that the explicitly nasty tone these arguments have taken is new, at least in my experience. But one has only to look at the national scene to see that nastiness has become the norm in public discourse.
Exhibit A:

Now what, you may ask, does AARP have to do with the military or with gay marriage? I'm still waiting for USANext, the astroturf group running these ads to smear AARP for its opposition to Social Security privatization, to tell me.
The only answer I can think of is that they really think we're all idiots.
We shall see....
1 comment:
Ha! The couple is suing for 25 million. That would fund a honeymoon worth going on.
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