Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Shame on You

Paul Krugman makes yet another heroic attempt to explain why the Social Security so-called "crisis" is bunk.

Saw a piece on Headline News tonight about how, after 2042, Social Security may only be able to pay 70% of benefits. Then they show today's average benefit of $849 (?--from memory), take 70% and gasp! $594!

You mean in the year 2042 I will receive benefits of only $594??

Well, no. Although you wouldn't know if from listening to this report. Social Security benefits are set to increase periodically at least through 2042, to more than keep up with presumed inflation. So a 70% cut in benefits--which will only happen if we do absolutely nothing for the next 35 years--will still mean benefits greater than those we receive today.

Deceptive? You bet. Look for more of the same.

Hey--it worked for Iraq, didn't it?

Bush will be embarking on what Josh Marshall endearingly calls his "bamboozle-palooza" tour to sell this latest lie to the American people. Fool me once....

1 comment:

Hobbes said...

"I think the American people--I hope the American people--I don't think, let me--I hope the American people trust me."
Dubya, D. C. 12/18/02
Mrs. Weirsdo wanted to put this, I think because it's a example of our President's awe-inspiring confidence in us. Couldn't we return the favor?