Saturday, December 15, 2007

What Is To Come

My intention is to post as much as possible, hopefully every day...but no promises. My inclination is to post more personal and less political stuff, but we'll see. There are so many people doing great political stuff, and the last years have caused me to look inward more for those reference points that help me make sense of the world. I plan to concentrate more on local and Utah politics, over on my other blog Redrock Critter. I will also be posting more photos than I have in the past. Just because.

Oh, and hot flashes? I have had such hot flashes, I can't even tell you. But so far at least, menopause seems to have made me not crankier but more mellow. After all, when you have spent half--no, all--the night throwing your covers off, then throwing them back on, who the hell has the energy to bitch about anything? I mean, come on. Life's too short. Welcome to the new, nicer me.

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